Monday, February 26, 2007


Yesterday was Mikaela's half birthday! She is 6 months old! Wow, how time flies!!! Yesterday was also my 26th birthday. I feel old :) Mikaela loves to blow raspberries, squeal in delight, and play with the doggies. We haven't been to the doctor yet this month, but I'm guessing she weighs 15 lbs. We'll find out in a couple of days :)

Happy Half Birthday little one!

Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Lil' sitting star...

Mikaela has been working really hard on her sitting skills and her practice has finally paid off! She can now sit all by herself for several minutes at a time... her little bumper must be growing :) She does really well as long as she stays focused and doesn't try to look up... once she looks up she tends to topple over :) We're so proud!